The City of Stillwater is Hiring!!
The City of Stillwater is hiring MULTIPLE positions! Click to Read More!

To view all available positions on the City of Stillwater's website - Click Here
To apply online - Click Here (Make sure to have the job number and title handy for the application)
For a fillable PDF of the job application you can download and/or print out - Click Here
We provide the leadership, direction and support needed to attract, retain and develop talented individuals. We partner with city departments to hire, compensate, support and create a workforce dedicated to delivering high-quality services.
The City of Stillwater is responsible for providing responsive, high-quality and efficient municipal services to enhance the community's quality of life. We seek service-minded team members to join us and embrace our Standards of Excellence.
We accomplish this by:
- Attracting and hiring through comprehensive human resources selection and planning.
- Providing friendly, trustworthy service to all internal and external customers.
- Providing sustainable benefit products and services responsive to and valued by employees.
- Retaining qualified employees through training and recognition programs.
All Available Full-Time Positions:
(NOTE: Click on the job title to view the job description from the City of Stillwater's website.)
- 14-25 Development Engineering Manager
- 20-25 Engineering Division Manager for Water Utilities
- 21-25 Engineering Division Manager for Transportation and Drainage
- 22-25 Water Treatment Plant Operator (Evening Shift)
- 29-25 Planning Director (Development Services)
- 30-25 Senior Planner (Development Services)
- 31-25 Maintenance Worker (Evening Shift)
- 32-25 Administrative Assistant (Water Utilities)
All Available Part-Time Positions:
(NOTE: Click on the job title to view the job description from the City of Stillwater's website.)
To view all available positions on the City of Stillwater's website - Click Here
To apply online - Click Here (Make sure to have the job number and title handy for the application)
For a fillable PDF of the job application you can download and/or print out - Click Here
The City of Stillwater does not discriminate against any person on the basis of age, race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity, or familial status with regard to access to city employment, city services and city facilities.