Central Rural Electric Cooperative
Utilities Electric Providers
Business Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
Central Rural Electric Cooperative is an electric distribution cooperative that serves more than 20,000 meters in seven central Oklahoma counties.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Headquartered in Stillwater, Oklahoma Central Rural Electric Cooperative is a not-for-profit electric cooperative that serves more than 18,000 members in central Oklahoma.
Owned By Those We Serve
Central Rural Electric Cooperative is a member-owned distribution cooperative. This means that if you purchase power from Central, then you literally own a portion of the company. Electric cooperatives are member owned and democratically controlled.
Board of Trustees
The service area is divided into seven districts and each district elects a member to serve on the board of trustees. Every year, an annual meeting is held to conduct the business of the cooperative.
Patronage Capital
Central is a not-for-profit businesses. Any margins related to the sale of electricity remaining after all expenses have been paid are returned to our members in proportion to their electrical use. These margins, called patronage capital, are allocated each year by the board of trustees and retired to members.
Additional Info
Energy Solutions
Central Rural Electric Cooperative is committed to offering energy solutions that benefit our members. Please take a look at the programs offered below: